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BGM Blizzard

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Everything posted by BGM Blizzard

  1. Most trees are bare around here for past week+. But my parents house as well as mine have some maples that are notoriously late with their leaf turning, which I'm guessing has more to do with the variety of maple than anything else. But it's very annoying when it comes to winter-prep. There been plenty of years where we've had the first accumulating snowfall prior to being able to chop or rake the majority of the leaves. I'm giving it another week to 10 days and then converting the tractor over to winter ops.
  2. Very true. I'm still waiting for all the leaves to turn and fall before I take my mower deck off the tractor. But I did grease and oil the plow and blower attachments so they are ready for gametime.
  3. Yeah not seeing much to get excited about synoptically any time soon. Some of the favored lake belts might get few scraps at times. I'm betting on a non-white Thanksgiving for most of us away from the lakes.
  4. First coating of snow here. A squall made for a nice wake up surprise...
  5. Got that right. I still need a few more weeks to finish pre-winter tasks anyway. Hopefully December looks better.
  6. 1.75 here since midnight. If only this were December. Perfect setup for CNY snowstorm.
  7. Dave Schwartz was my favorite on-air personality at TWC growing up. RIP.
  8. Like a long fetch band off LO ramming the Tug. Only thing that would have made it better would have been a lightning strike or 2.
  9. Only good thing about that winter was the consistent 70s and 80s by March. Cold wet springs are the worst.
  10. He's good. He does the long range forecasting for Weather Works in NJ.
  11. O hell yeah. And that storm was the lone bright spot in what was otherwise a pretty shitty winter from start to finish. Without that storm or if we only got Iike 25% of that storm total, the winter would have been one to forget. Even though we lost 80% of that snowpack the following week, we still maintained a snowpack all the way thru March because of that storm and it meant the difference between an A- and C+ in my book for an overall winter grade. So just goes to show, even in the midst of what was a crappy winter on a macro level, we can still break single storm records for snowfall if the pattern aligns itself in any given week.
  12. Lol yeah... that death band set up and rode us all night long. I got 2 quick measurements during the height of the storm between 12:09am and 2:19am and snow depth increased 10" in that span.
  13. Sure was. Never seen anything like it and probably never will again around here. The other day I was looking back at some of my pictures during and after that storm and still can't get over how fast and furious it piled up.
  14. I upgraded my John Deere earlier this year after being outgunned by the 44" whopper last December. Last time I upgraded was 2015 and the winter of 2015-16 was the least snowiest on record down here with 3.3" or less every storm and a season total of 30". So... I predict a bummer winter... atleast for down here.
  15. Saw this article shared by a local met. Gives some hope for a decent winter in the Northeast US. https://www.severe-weather.eu/long-range-2/winter-forecast-2021-2022-usa-europe-early-look-fa/
  16. July 1-10, 2021 is 4th wettest on record at BGM. Will probably be on pace for wettest July after this week...
  17. You can have most of mine. Already at 1.42 today before this next round of heavy rain moves in shortly. I'm so over the rain and storms of this summer already.
  18. EF-1 confirmed in north central Oneida County from Thursday storm... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.localsyr.com/news/local-news/town-of-western-calling-for-disaster-declaration-following-possible-tornado-thursday-evening/amp/
  19. Worst storm in recent memory here, probably since the June 6, 2005 Derecho (http://bgmresearch.eas.cornell.edu/casestudy/2005/Jun0605_files/TextMostly/index.html). The hills to our west and east generally shield us from strong winds when storms come in from the west. But it's different when they come in from the south/southwest, I think the hills actually help channel the winds. A lot of tree damage all over. Would have been quite the spectacle had it happened during daylight hours. Power went out 5 minutes before the gust front even arrived but luckily it was restored in 24 hours. Some places still don't have power restored.
  20. Don't have a velocity image or loop but you can see the embedded hook in eastern Tompkins County on the reflectivity. BGM did not issue a Tornado warning but did state there was a dangerous microburst detected on radar in the Severe Weather Statement...
  21. EF-1 tornado confirmed in east central Tompkins County just east of Ithaca...
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