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Everything posted by PghPirates27

  1. No ice here other then a trace earlier. Sleet and snow mix. 28.7 temp and falling fast.
  2. Down to 30.2 finally front coming through. I’ll check on precip soon.
  3. I need to start record keeping these storms as they happen. Would love to look back at old notes to see.
  4. Still 31.5 but ice accumulation on my car and deck. Moderate freezing rain.
  5. Just dropped to 31.3 in the past few minutes, we have movement! Sorry for the play by play i'll check back in a little. Just getting excited lol
  6. Funny thing is if we needed this to stall out for more snow it’d be up in Maine by now.
  7. 12 miles from snow 3 hours ago, now 14 miles away. Going the wrong direction here. Nothing like 31.6 and 3 hours of rain.
  8. My temp Over the past 24 hours. Gets to this morning and doesn’t move.
  9. 1 hour later, still 31.6 hasn't budged at all. Not sure if that's good or bad. Light rain falling.
  10. Temp dropped to 31.3 about 30 minutes ago, and now climbed to 31.6 and holding steady. No precipitation at the moment.
  11. it's actually 12 miles, but it just goes to show how tight the gradient is!
  12. lol my point and click has no accumulation.... 12 miles away point and click shows 5-8". Crazy gradient.
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