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Everything posted by Mordecai

  1. Seems like some of the area is under WWA now, as Weather Will posted
  2. As someone who was out there and awake at that time, I can attest to that. Grass/cars were accumulating very easily but it took at least an hour for the roads/pavement to start caving in, and even then it was spotty (one side of pavement accumulating, the other side not so much initially.) As others have said, it's probably due to the temps during the prior hours being above freezing
  3. Wind is blowing all the snow around now, driveways and roads covered again lol
  4. We’re pretty much done here but it looks like we’ve tied Monday’s event in terms of snowfall! This one takes the cake though. Night time and better rates
  5. Extremely fluffy snow! Wind picking up a bit now
  6. Night time snow is definitely the best
  7. Roads and sidewalks covered already. Coming down nicely now.
  8. Seems like we’re done here in Brambleton. That was a fun few hours
  9. Measured 1.0” in Brambleton so far. Rates and wind picking up now
  10. I’m right by you so I feel that. At least it’s snowing for the first time this winter so can’t complain all that much haha
  11. 33/33 light snow grassy surfaces and cars covered
  12. BWI: 17.5" DCA: 11.3" IAD: 21.2" RIC: 8.4" SBY: 4.3"
  13. Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but would anyone happen to have the updated version of this map? Would appreciate it.
  14. Perhaps something akin to this? Google Maps let's you import a spreadsheet and it'll automatically plot all the points with the labels you gave them.
  15. 12/16: 3.0" 1/25: 0.1" 1/31-2/2: 6.3" 2/7: 2.1" 2/10-11: 0.4" 2/13: 0.2" 2/18: 1.5" of sleet 2/22: 0.2" Total: 13.8"
  16. 12/16: 3.0" 1/25: 0.1" 1/31-2/2: 6.3" 2/7: 2.1" 2/10-11: 0.4" 2/13: 0.2" 2/18: 1.5" of sleet Total: 13.6"
  17. Guess I’ll set an alarm for 6am. Did the same for Feb 7th storm but woke up it ended up being too early of an alarm.
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