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Everything posted by wolfpackwxDC

  1. Not that it matters or is in any way official, but between the rain at the start (0.2 inches) and all the snow that gathered in the rain gauge and then melted (0.60 inches), we got a total of 0.80 inches liquid out of this storm in Arlington. Fairly in line with forecasts if I recall correctly.
  2. Just woke up and it is absolutely puking fat flakes here in western Arlington. Grass and cars covered. Street and sidewalk, sort of covered. Looks like we are under the band at the moment! Currently 32.5 and so far, .24 through the rain gauge.
  3. 41/30 western Arlington. Cooling a little better than I was expecting.
  4. 31/29 and 2 inches of snow in western Arlington. County truck came by, plow up and dropped salt to give us a clear strip in the middle. I'm starting to think we might not make it to 4 inches...
  5. 100% agree with this. Have notice the same thing in Arlington. Last winter when we had our one and only event (I think? it happened during the late afternoon and the government let everyone out early, but that sounds like every event around here...) we were living in Courthouse and I needed to drive to our house near East falls Church. Courthouse had bare ground but by the time I got to East falls Church there was a coating everywhere. Elevation!
  6. Far western corner of Arlington and we are at 27.7/18.5. What's interesting is that we bottomed out at 26.6/17.5 about an hour ago. No wind for the last 3 hours either. We are 300 feet ish above and 8 miles away from DCA, so it's always interesting to see how much we can differ.
  7. Flirting with 32 here - 31.5 now. Pavement that was cleared, salted, etc is just fine but the areas that were not touched by plows on the neighborhood streets are starting to ice up real good. Just played musical cars to get my car ready to leave first for work tomorrow and my wife's small SUV basically sat on top of the sheet of ice covered snow when I moved it to the street.
  8. Somewhere between 2-3 inches in west Arlington. Temps steady at 29/27. Still coming down at a good clip. County plow has been by already - whooo!
  9. 39/16 here. Only got to 40 today and dpts have held steady in the mid-teens.
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