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Everything posted by wolfpackwxDC

  1. We bottomed out at 11.7. Station is elevated 2-3 meters off ground, 20 feet away from the house, so I it's legit!
  2. 13.8 / 7 west Arlington Dewpoint up a degree in the last hour.
  3. Anecdotal analysis... 15z backyard model run: Squirrels are out in force this morning, digging all over the place, despite it being 25 degrees. Much more active than over the past week. Perhaps they know something...
  4. Some of these criteria vary from region to region, but here is what LWX has on their site. Looks like .25 inches of ice. https://www.weather.gov/lwx/WarningsDefined#:~:text=A Winter Storm Warning is,weather is occurring or imminent.&text=2) Enough ice accumulation to cause damage to trees or powerlines.,-AND%2FOR&text=AND%2FOR-,3) a life threatening or damaging combination of snow and,or ice accumulation with wind.
  5. I always find it odd that people live and die based on where contours are closed and letters are drawn, especially if run to run they move +/- 25 miles.
  6. I balked on buying a generator after 2 big storms knocked out power here in Arlington last summer. Lights flickered during the snow last week. I think we will be getting said generator as soon as we can secure one!
  7. I am with you - same location, same situation. With a 3 year old, unless we get a HECS, give me enough to enjoy Sunday and Monday. Then, the damn roads better be clear for Daycare dropoff on Tuesday morning!
  8. I am with you. I have been out all morning, running errands at IKEA and Costco because I hate myself, but just catching up on things and I really think we might be underplaying the ice threat. Sure, 100% agree on the initial thump of snow, but as I have experienced in many a winter setup in eastern NC, you can have 2-3 inches of snow, followed by .25 - .5 inches of ice and those storms were the freaking worst. Feel like the threat is more aligned with the Rt. 15 corridor, just west of the city - but who knows. I sold my soul Wx soul for more money and a better commute, so my model analysis eyes are probably garbage at this point
  9. Went to the store today for my normal, weekly run and got the last 1/2 gallons of milk. Employee said they were full an hour before. Guess people must be getting the message
  10. Ahh, the classic "Harrisburg Hauler" track!
  11. Great, 28 and freezing mist. The roads generally look good, so I hope it holds. I need daycare to be open tomorrow - can't do this another day...
  12. Just finished "pushing" 1-2 inches of sleet off driveway and sidewalks. I prefer the lighter snow... Sun peaked out briefly and temps rose to 31.5...back down to 29.8.
  13. Thanks for doing that for me. Didn't feel like getting dressed to go out and get pelted by small hail
  14. Usually these sections are pre-filled text that they select as an option to include during the creation of the product. However, forecasters can free hand additional information, so either we found a bug OR we hope it was a typo!
  15. Yup, it's just a sad, cold rain over here, across the river. Got a coating of snow on the grass, a little sleet and now just rain. 32.5 since like 7pm... figures
  16. Solid rain/sleet mix at 32.5°. Awesome.
  17. Are we sure they didn't miss a 0 in front of that 6?
  18. Really coming down here in Arlington. Just drove from East Falls Church to Roslyn and back to get the kiddo at daycare and minor elevation changes are really noticeable. Mostly rain near the river, with a few flakes, but as you head back up I-66, turns to solid snow by Ballston. Grass and elevated surfaces are starting to cave here. 34/32 - was 41/30 around 4pm.
  19. 42 / 32 and snow coming down in Arlington *shrug*
  20. DC folks when the storm misses south: It will trend north Also DC folks: This solution will 100% trend north
  21. I am loving all the Freezing Rain discussions! It takes me back to my undergrad research project and a journal article that I found particularly helpful at that time in understanding the subject much better. No analysis of the current setup here - just simply putting this out there for others to read if they have time. https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/wefo/19/2/1520-0434_2004_019_0377_aaofrf_2_0_co_2.xml
  22. So I checked other stations in the area. Almost all of them had 0.20 - 0.25 for the initial precip, so we're good there. The main difference is what accumulated and melted in the rain gauge. Looks like others were in the 0.50 - 0.65 range for totals. Maybe mine collected more snow? It is off and above the back deck, not under trees, so fairly representative. Not sure, but I am getting tired of issues with my station anyway and am on the verge of getting a new one...
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