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ma blizzard

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Everything posted by ma blizzard

  1. this the exact map I would put out .. just everything multiplied by 2
  2. nice map Wiz - very bullish, just wondering whats your reasoning?
  3. yeah I'm about to go all in on this one .. theres gonna be some dumbfounded people waking up tomorrow to WSW being hoisted
  4. Add me to bullish camp .. thinking it could be a widespread low-end warning event
  5. 28.9/27 s- 2.7" new since 4:15 pm .. total is up to 21.9" while snow depth (just from this storm) is closer to 18"-19"
  6. yeah not sure why the reports are so low in the PNS .. in the 13"-15" range in the area. As it is, my depth from just this storm is ~16"-17".
  7. if this band persists for another hr, I'll be over 20" for sure
  8. kind of surprised at the snowfall rates considering the visibility isn't that low .. I guess the snow really stacks up when you have ideal snow growth prob the best / most consistent snowfall rates since Jan '15 .. its been at constant 2-3" / hr since about 11:45
  9. 28.4/27 9.2" new since 10 am, ~3.5" in the past 70 mins total is up to 15.1"
  10. 27.7/26 absolutely nuking outside .. must be 2"-3" + / hr rates
  11. 29.5/28 5.8" stuck in the subsidence in-between bands now .. was ripping between 9-9:45
  12. yeah some of the parameters look really good .. maybe some of those to the north will have better luck
  13. def remember sleet mixing in during the afternoon / early evening of the Xmas '02 snowstorm. IIRC i measured just under 1' the next morning with most of the snow falling from 7-12 pm.
  14. parameters look decent for some aurora sightings in NNE
  15. yep just about to post .. i know its unlikely but might as well find somewhere dark to observe
  16. yeah, bz has tanked over the past couple hrs .. too bad most of us have cloud issues to contend with
  17. we're at kp=5, bz is slightly negative .. hopefully we can get these metrics to improve over the next couple hrs
  18. I saw the kp get up to 6 last night but Bz didn't flip negative so I opted against driving to a 'dark' area. Maybe I should have .. great pic!
  19. probably minor in math .. didnt really do that much work in that class (BC calc) and i did poorly but i did good enough on the AP to transfer over Calc I and II .. didnt take any math last semester and somehow aced Calc III this semester .. so Dif Eqs next semester
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