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ma blizzard

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Everything posted by ma blizzard

  1. Ukie also has it at 984 mb at 18z today .. https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?m=ukmet&p=sfcwind_mslp&rh=2021081912&fh=loop&r=conus&dpdt=&mc=
  2. Wednesday might be close .. torch spots prob max in the MU 80s and low 70s dews
  3. 88/76 means the warmest tarmac is 88 and there is one station in SNE with a dew of 76 .. def in play
  4. kbos running 5 degrees ahead of yesterday/ wednesday at this time clear start ftw
  5. launching pad going to be very high tomorrow, I agree tho, all about front timing / clouds
  6. maybe 90? more like maybe 95 today I think tomorrow has a decent shot at cracking 90?
  7. breathe it in! love this weather Wonder if Kbos can pull a 80+ min this stretch? Friday? Saturday if front is delayed?
  8. just about to go for a run ... and its pouring again
  9. up to 109 at PDX .. will they make a run for 115?
  10. def too much .. prob closer to 3.5“-3.75”
  11. there are a couple houses around 2300’-2400’ in florida off tilda hill rd i believe
  12. personally, worst allergies I have experienced in years
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