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ma blizzard

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Everything posted by ma blizzard

  1. with the slow movement and risk of a stall, def in play
  2. too early imo .. could easily be a wobble. If the LLC and MLC become more aligned even briefly, could go back to WSW heading in the short term too
  3. Ukie also has it at 984 mb at 18z today .. https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?m=ukmet&p=sfcwind_mslp&rh=2021081912&fh=loop&r=conus&dpdt=&mc=
  4. Wednesday might be close .. torch spots prob max in the MU 80s and low 70s dews
  5. 88/76 means the warmest tarmac is 88 and there is one station in SNE with a dew of 76 .. def in play
  6. kbos running 5 degrees ahead of yesterday/ wednesday at this time clear start ftw
  7. launching pad going to be very high tomorrow, I agree tho, all about front timing / clouds
  8. maybe 90? more like maybe 95 today I think tomorrow has a decent shot at cracking 90?
  9. breathe it in! love this weather Wonder if Kbos can pull a 80+ min this stretch? Friday? Saturday if front is delayed?
  10. just about to go for a run ... and its pouring again
  11. up to 109 at PDX .. will they make a run for 115?
  12. def too much .. prob closer to 3.5“-3.75”
  13. there are a couple houses around 2300’-2400’ in florida off tilda hill rd i believe
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