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Everything posted by Kentucky

  1. I'm already in, and still without power...
  2. https://poweroutage.us/area/state/kentucky Might be a while. Not the easiest terrain to restore power #Verizon
  3. Nearly 50% without power in Whitley, they rolled by hours ago looking for the source, I didn't know.that was a thing in 2021.
  4. JKL ISW sadly verified, just lost power. Trees been cracking all night long. Was quite the downpour near the end. The entire show accumulated on trees.
  5. right, non stop. heavy ice accumulation just a couple hundred feet up from me. Mountain above me was covered with rime 2 days ago, its still piling up.
  6. Don't see this everyday, 43 on black mountain. https://www.kymesonet.org/
  7. precip went NW, 29 now. We have ice but nothing like forcasted just yesterday. Ice have moved all the way into central kentucky. I don't even know if mesonet sites would help in this situation. But it sure isn't over yet....
  8. Happy about the busted ice forecast here, that's 2 back to back bust by JKL, need more kymesonet sites here.
  9. Still a good thumping otw, wonder what the ice totals are on east side?
  10. I was blown away with how fast it got slick. Freezing fog/mist all day. It mist non stop today, all below freezing. Got dark and got slick quick. Mountain was white, only a couple of hundred feet up from me. Rime?
  11. Officially Ice Storm Warning for Whitley, saying this storm will be a bit Windy....
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