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Everything posted by Imgoinhungry

  1. I teach in mcps. Was fully expecting to go in tomm. Not so sure now.
  2. FCPS closed tomm... im actually surprised. Did some areas get slammed?
  3. what is the northern extent of the advisories?
  4. Freezing rain in am enough to disrupt rush hour??
  5. No talk about freezing rain in the am. Legit or no?
  6. silver spring is a mess... quote from a police friend.
  7. Are we thinking widespread school closures tomorrow??
  8. Will southern moco exceed forecast in terms of total snow? Any measurements in Silver Spring area?
  9. Any prefictions for total inches in Silver Spring area by end of storm?
  10. Models did an incredible job with the cutoff. Zilch up here just SE of Frederick.
  11. When do the warnings get hoisted for moco?
  12. since when do these things trend south moments before kickoff?
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