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Everything posted by Imgoinhungry

  1. 2 feet, followed by 10 inches. In less than a week. Damn.
  2. that storm gave 2 feet at Dulles. I'll take it!
  3. Euro has the onset of snow significantly later than gfs, yes?
  4. Onset of precipitation for dc metro sometime around 3pm on Sunday?
  5. Sorry for the rookie question, but 03z is 10pm eastern time, right?
  6. Holy ****. Where is Ji? What did you do with him!? A glass half full perspective.
  7. Thank you! I know timing can obviously change. Driving from Frederick to Charlotesville. If I left around noon on Sunday I think Id be ok?
  8. Could someone assist me with timing for this storm? I am supposed to travel on Sunday evening. Looking like this weekend no longer a threat? Possible storm will be on mlk day?
  9. When is the onset of precipation? Late Sunday?
  10. Was considering heading to OC for mlk weekend. Drive home late Sunday. What is the dealio w this storm? Too early to tell?
  11. Will ice be problematic for morning commute?
  12. More rain than I expected. Will we wake up to a glacier tomm morn?
  13. coastal storm mlk weekend no longer showing up on models?
  14. shocked mcps hasnt closed! Roads are ok I am assuming?
  15. kind of shocked mcps hasnt called it. Assuming roads are generally fine?
  16. What is the logic/factors that cause the dc snow hole?
  17. Forecast never had gburg getting snow until 2amish
  18. MOCO/FRED county line has been a game of thrones style wall. Radar has been unable to cross it. Wild!
  19. staffing is a nightmare. Schools looking for slightest reason to cancel for a day. Hopefully improves after this wave is over.
  20. Anyone in Thurmont or Emittsburg? Conditions?
  21. Odd announcement. Proactive I guess. But they wont open w 3+ inches of snow prior to morning commute.
  22. We have any shortrange models that show whether or not the area will get freezing rain in the am?
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