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Everything posted by Imgoinhungry

  1. that has been the trend this year. Less of a letdown if you expect it!
  2. Surely, schools wont be delayed or off tomm, right!?
  3. Just where we want it. It will jog north by 100 miles or so between now and then.
  4. 34 degrees in ocean city. About to hit road back to Frederick.
  5. Only 160 hours out. What could possibly go wrong!?
  6. cold air is not fast to move out? Models always under do CAD
  7. If nam cut down on snow totals, is it showing an ugly ice storm west of 95?
  8. What is the threat of a severe ice storm in northern moco/frederick area? Ice will be substantial, no?
  9. Geez. Starting to think this may be a repeat.
  10. Someone refresh my memory. We had an awful icestorm in... 2008? Had to be the worst since I have lived in DC metro area.
  11. it was a good 6 hours behind gfs in prior runs
  12. What are projected temps following storm? Is our snow going to be gone 24 hours later?
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