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Everything posted by Imgoinhungry

  1. Is there a logical explanation as to why the models always show mid-atlantic snow storms 5-7 days out, but then lose the snow 3 days before go time? It is uncanny. .
  2. Im mentally prepared to see the low move west and for it to be over Kentucky at 12z on 1/7. .
  3. Winter hasnt even started yet??? .
  4. Except the low will be 300 miles west next run and it will be a cold rain with 34 degree temps. .
  5. Im a huge Jordan Westburg fan. Was hoping to take my 7 year old to his debut. Guess I’ll keep an eye on the radar! .
  6. GFS has put the euro to shame this winter though, no?
  7. As expected. We need to stop looking at models more than 4 days out
  8. Hoping to see some snow showers when I drive into work at 6am tomorrow.
  9. Argh. I’m mcps and my kid is fcps. Pain in the rear end .
  10. Starting to think morning commute is not going to be fun. .
  11. I’ve been out of the loop. Surprised to see fcps put out message about monitoring weather. Morning commute will not be impacted, correct?? .
  12. I’ve learned from Ji… go with the model that shows the least amount of snow. It never disappoints! .
  13. FCPS Frederick sticking with 2 hour delay. .
  14. Some friends in Damascus telling me roads are fine. Think mcps will stick with delay. .
  15. Anyone in Frederick county MD hit the roads yet? I teach mcps while kid is fcps. Wondering if fcps will remain on 2 hour delay or close. Assuming mcps stays 2 hour delay. Need to figure out childcare plans… .
  16. Frederick MD just announced the same .
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