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Akeem the African Dream

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Everything posted by Akeem the African Dream

  1. first time I have looked at this storm in a few days not really too impressed
  2. @the ghost of leroy raildawg is chasing bet he pusses our again and leaves well before landfall
  3. as a country it’s pretty clear we are ok with north of 50k deaths per month if it means being able to re-open the local TGI Friday’s for in house dining
  4. a lot of stebo posts cant wait to get back in and read them
  5. heard thru the grapevine there is outrage over sexism again there
  6. good call i recently got banned from fineprint for capturing screen shots
  7. it’s the wal mart of vacations. the expansion of ports where people can drive to just expands the reach to cheap degenerates. Now the trash that couldn’t afford plane tickets to Ft lauderdale can drive an hour to their closest port to board these slave ships.
  8. a cruise sounds awful. the lowest common denominators of society fill those ships especially in September when prices are the cheapest.
  9. you’re right ill take pictures in a bit of all the plastic the tides brought up. I’ll post them on ampol maybe some new blood will join now that trixie isn’t there
  10. was out at the beach in Stuart before sheriff booted me off. would post photos here but the upload feature sucks .
  11. mandatory evacuation for casa de Akeem (Martin County) beginning at 10am Sunday
  12. uploading photos on this site sucks. every ****ing photo is too big how can I post pictures of my pending doom on Amwx when the feature never works
  13. things will start to get serious here today. i played the gas game yesterday so I’m starting with a full tank. have a feeling this goes in just north of me which will significantly lessen impacts but some of these tracks are my worst case scenario.
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