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Everything posted by UMB WX

  1. I'm shocked Phin would allow me to sell hotdogs to Obese America.
  2. Should post this Garbage in the Conspiracy or Politics forum. You're nauseating.
  3. who is this powers that be you speak of?
  4. Just bought 150's ltc. now how low can we go.
  5. His Narrative's pushed since fall are crumbling down on him.
  6. OSU can melt the snowflake's down with the best of them. He's harmless and an asset.
  7. it must be weird to look in the mirror and see an asshole every AM.
  8. I still laugh at the night you blocked, phin.
  9. Fox news has the Market covered.
  10. whew! Some spot on calls in here.. and some not so spot on calls.. Would be a shame to get this thread totally scrubbed off the internet.
  11. Bummer he wasn't paying attention or didn't wait a day to put his Metric out. It was no surprise the science didn't support a mask mandate for those vaccinated No point in waiting to 70% now and people who are vaxed surely weren't going to bother listening to the mandate. and the anti's weren't gonna mask anyways.
  12. Great job, MD. assuming they have enough vaccinated that they think the anti-vaxxers that refuse to wear masks anyways won't be shitting things up.
  13. good to know..ty. decided to fly instead of drive to Indiana in June. Might be safe on a flight from MKE to Indy!
  14. dunno why anybody would assume or think airports have been empty. weird
  15. Telling us airports are getting back to normal is not breaking news bro.
  16. nice of him to paint you scared of Covid though. Real piece of work he is.
  17. what news do you watch lol. Why would we be shocked over CDC plans to drop mask requirements for fully vaccinated people..
  18. nobody wants to fight you. most of us try to avoid narcs like you.
  19. Media Scared people in to getting the vaccine? Who the **** would solely run to get stuck because they heard "double mutant' in the news. You're narratives are wild bro.
  20. ^Look at this Narc.. who would think unvaccinated people are not going in to stores or are waiting for CDC approval.
  21. Yep time to move on and put that voting rights bill at the forefront now.
  22. Do ya think? Business would like to fully open.
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