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Everything posted by Nikoss427

  1. Here are a few of my before and after totality pics that I got. I have the whole event photographed but this gets the point across. What an incredible experience!
  2. We drove out to New Brunswick CA, it's beautiful here and clear skies.
  3. I'm visiting family in Indiana, drive out yesterday and this is what I woke up to. Good moderate snow here I wasn't expecting itst all
  4. I just went out to pull a buddy of mine who got stuck plowing a driveway up by Kev on Mt. Tolland and it's dumping better than I've seen all day today. I live for this stuff.
  5. My wife had the starter in her car kick the bucket this morning. Froze half to death, but I got it done. If it wasn't for a frozen stripped bolt I could have done it in an hour instead of 3. I need a garage asap.
  6. I just had a big ash on the edge of my property treated for EAB. The arborist said the tree is in good health, and it is fully leafed out. He drilled holes at the base and the tree drew up the insecticide. It's an every 2 year process but it's nice to save such a nice specimen with so many dying all around. It's a cool process to watch as well
  7. My coworkers swear by this person and treat the posts like the weather gospel. After a heated exchange with our science teacher of all people, I just walk away now and let them drink the Koolaid.
  8. This one's for you @Damage In Tolland A big POS tree that my neighbors and I have been warning the town and Eversource about for years just lost a limb and wiped out my 60 year old ornamental cherry. I just eliminated the black spot fungus thats been plaguing it for years and it was doing awesome.... figures.
  9. Damage in Tolland! Trees are break dancing, this is awesome. We still have power, only a couple flickers so far.
  10. Just finished the first mow and trim of the season.
  11. If this is how this winter says goodbye then I'm fine with it. I'm at the acceptance stage of grief with this one.
  12. Yeah I guess it was wishful thinking hoping this would maybe start later on Tuesday rather than earlier. In my district we definitely closed a couple times so far when a delay was all we needed.
  13. When are we expecting this to start, Monday night or more towards Tuesday morning. I'm hoping we can squeek out an early dismissal Tuesday by starting this later. We're already up to 3 snow days in my district.
  14. I literally had this argument an hour ago with one of my coworkers dying for any opportunity for a snow day. They go on Facebook and get a snowmap from a weather group and post it in a group text saying we're not having school 4 days out. I finally responded saying the claim is bogus and the response is, "well they're usually accurate." With no actual substance to back the statement up. This is a science teacher mind you... Rant over.
  15. Snowing pretty good here now, mixing with some big rain drops. Yard and driveway covered.
  16. Same here, it's up there with the best snow of the day. We just got back from visiting my parents on the Willington Ashford line and they have a few inches more than me. They got a better shot at the death band earlier.
  17. I'm seeing some of the nicest flakes of the day here. We were living on the edge all day.
  18. Starting to snow heavy here now, visibility dropping. I'm right on the ragged edge of the band in Windham county, keep it coming!!
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