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About EB89

  • Birthday 03/17/1989

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Frederick, Md

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  1. It’s now misting in Leesburg.
  2. Frederick schools are closing 3.5 hours early tomorrow.
  3. I hope but I’ve seen this movie twice this year. Hoping for a solid north trend that doesn’t materialize. Something is better than nothing at this point.
  4. Love that WSW cutoff right at the Frederick/Moco border
  5. I may have missed it but can someone post the Euro map please?
  6. Best rates and flake size I’ve seen in quite a long time. Visibility keeps decreasing
  7. Those bands about to come through Frederick look nice
  8. Sidewalks are getting that slushy look. At the 15/26 interchange in Frederick.
  9. All snow finally. Starting to stick to cars and grass
  10. Rain/snow mix with more snow mixing in the past couple minutes.
  11. Snow lulled but picking back up and largest flakes of the storm so far.
  12. First flakes in Frederick at the 15/26 split.
  13. HRRR didn’t look too bad up my way in Frederick. Can someone post kuchera please?
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