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About jon_snow

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  1. Did we just go from historic to nothingburger in 1 run? Euro brutal
  2. Hey guys, what are we looking at here? Is this a 1-2 punch on Sunday and then again Wednesday? I have a flight to Mexico on Thurs, wondering if that's in jeopardy.
  3. how historic is this warm weather? i don't recall it being this consistently warm into november.
  4. why is it 80 degrees in November, is something wrong? Also, is winter cancelled already?
  5. So what's the gut feel at this point? Are we getting a white Christmas?
  6. guyz give it to me straight, is this storm a bust for DCA?
  7. Just wanted to say as a lurker: I have no idea what any of you are talking about, but I love the hype.
  8. this storm is "printing" as the boys would say. 11inches here in nova.
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