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About pogoism9

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Fredericksburg, VA

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  1. I do recall a few days prior to the Jan 2016 storm, we had a small ice event come through. That storm pretty much came though a few days later and it was like a lion attacking an already wounded gazelle
  2. Same here in Fredericksburg. I can barely see the tower at the airport across the street
  3. Seems like a shot at an overperformer across from EZF, pretty heavy snow outside, have over an inch already from a storm that realistically was going to top out at an inch.
  4. It ain't much, but damn it i'll take it. That EZF across the street.
  5. Its here now finally at EZF. Small flakes, but tons of them, starting to stick already on the driveway
  6. EZF is quiet currently, but certainly getting colder. Bring it on!
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