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Warm Nose

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Everything posted by Warm Nose

  1. Yeah it has to be winter in the first place for it to end. Recently we've had late fall that just goes all the way until early spring.
  2. In fairness, 95 looks like that on most days.
  3. The 'Price is Not Right' storm
  4. Anxiously awaiting my 'societal' snow ... The scary thing is someone typed that and felt compelled to add it to the advisory.
  5. Legit nothing ... it's beautiful 19/7
  6. Dews are in the single digits here. Nothing is going to get to the ground anytime soon.
  7. Anecdotally, I suspect the 'road brine' business is booming if you are looking for future investment opportunities.
  8. Understand that future budgeting cycles are often based on previous year's actuals. If you want to ensure you have more money allocated next year, it pays to roll the trucks at the very hint of weather.
  9. I dunno. I think it's kinda like a mercy killing at this point.
  10. Time to 'Ol Yeller this thread.
  11. Congrats on your impending blindness
  12. NAM is out to lunch ... as is anyone who is hugging it
  13. You can take the met out of the teacher but you can't take the teacher out of the met
  14. Wait, some here actually think those NAM totals are legit?
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