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Warm Nose

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About Warm Nose

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    W. Loudoun, Va

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  1. Temperature inversion! 11 degrees while stations lower are 5, 3.
  2. RGEM yesterday. Honestly not too far off - the thermals wrecked things east of 15.
  3. Down to 27 here now. Cleared the driveway with the snowblower but the pixie dust has made everything really crunchy.
  4. To the Mets on the board, what's the post-mortem for this one? Seems once the front took more time it screwed up the thermals resulting in a bunch of wasted QPF, not to mention the QPF itself was less amped than predicted.
  5. 29.5 and a some light pixie dust, but 97.935% over here.
  6. Pretty much done here. About 3.75" and will be under the prog'd totals, but I suspect everyone will be.
  7. Back edge is racing this way - I suspect we'll be largely done by 5:30p
  8. Can't stress this enough - rates are going to have to be big to get stuff to stick. Surface temps are above freezing and there's melting. If the rates dip, the snow's going to also melt as a result, at least until the colder temps arrive. It's snowing pretty good here but pavement and other surfaces are melting and I hear the water flowing down the gutters.
  9. With surface temps still above 32, if the rates lessen up it's all melting. Pavement was caving and then rates slacked up and the pavement won. Same for other surfaces as well. Any accums will be rate-dependent today.
  10. Decent steady rate here for the last 45 minutes or so. It's wet though pavement is caving.
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