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Everything posted by Thanatos_I_Am

  1. Good storm here in Rockville. Caught some nice CG lightning before the rain came!
  2. Interesting weather in North Dakota today. Apparently there is some lake effect coming off of Lake Sakakawea!
  3. @WxUSAF sorry if I missed it, are you still down near DC for this storm? Can’t see on mobile.
  4. Light snow in College Park. Looks like maybe an hour more of snow here.
  5. Absolutely ripping in west Rockville. Should have held off shoveling till later...
  6. Majority of us use RadarScope. And yes, it’s worth the $10.
  7. Looks like the typical northern Moco deathband is setting up. Right on queue!
  8. You can buy the optional $10 a year subscription that unlocks more feautures like lightning, dual screen and other things. It’s worth it if you’re a big severe guy.
  9. @Bob Chill can confirm... but I may have seen a couple of flakes in west Rockville. Was walking the dog and noticed. Could be my eyes, though.
  10. 12z GEFS definitely nudged north. 2” line into DCA.
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