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Everything posted by Thanatos_I_Am

  1. This chargers team is in shambles. Wow.
  2. Can confirm near town center. Pingers rattling on the window. Can we squeeze some snow to cover the sidewalks after the tropical downpours earlier?
  3. Glad I got a few hours of fatties. Feels good to be back on the board, even if it’s all washed away now. Let’s keep this momentum going into the end of the month. Maybe we can get one where nobody feels left out!
  4. Ripping sleet in Rockville still. Praying it stays frozen.
  5. Puking snow in College Park. Will have an update on the beltway shortly.
  6. Mostly snow in College Park. Some pingers mixing in every now and then. Roads wet, grass covering nicely here.
  7. Pingers hitting the window mixing in with the snow here in College Park. Please include your location for us mobile users!
  8. Trust me, when you’re forced to live down near the beltway for work and you hear stories of relatives in Boston getting feet of snow in a week, it hurts. Glad some on this sub can do well. Gets a little easier each time DC gets screwed.
  9. In College Park this morning. Cloudy, nothing falling. Getting the hell back to MoCo for this one.
  10. 07z HRRR came in noticeably snowier for southern MoCo and HoCo. 08z running now, hopefully a trend?
  11. When the NAM screws DC over, it’s right. We know this.
  12. Chance is there but this is DC. We all know how this one will go for us in the beltway.
  13. 0z RGEM might send the low over my house. What a trend this has been. Mixing up to the MD line.
  14. don't worry, the next one will fringe DC while the shore scores a foot. It's only right at this point
  15. a lot of us in DC proper had a foot of digital snow taken away and after last year's disaster.. not shocked haha
  16. Worth keeping this post saved as us DC crew will probably be pulling this one out again tomorrow night.
  17. keep moving the low west and we have an outside shot at a tornado watch
  18. This feels like one of those games that the Browns should win, which means they’ll likely play down to their opponent and lose. Baker been playing well, so this one is a tough call.
  19. RPM only giving me 4 inches? JFC. You got the SREF mean?
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