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Everything posted by Thanatos_I_Am

  1. QPF looks to be cut in half from 0z. We know where this one is going.
  2. I'll never forget being at Verizon for Game 7 in 2017! Glad Ovi got his ring even though I am not a fan. Always nice to see a legend reach that moment.
  3. @yoda glad I am not the only Pens fan in this sea of Caps fans...
  4. Warmup inches to the next inch we get over 24 hours?
  5. Brady is insane man. Wow. 7 F’ing rings.
  6. Looking up at that typical deathband from College Park moderate snow, sticking decently.
  7. NAM torched DC first in December as well... it really has been pretty decent this year in sniffing out trends.
  8. 12z Euro is close... to something for the next weekend threat. Definitely something to keep an eye on.
  9. Remember when we overachieved on the clipper before the '16 storm? The commutageddon.
  10. Seems much more organized at 54 when comparing to 0z. Sharper for sure.
  11. Yeah, this is my line of thinking as well. Severe is what got me into meteorology back when I was in highschool. Fails used to hurt a lot more back then. I think the thing with Severe is that (depending on the set-up) you can easily whiff. No matter the threat that day, you can always get screwed. Everything could line up perfectly and YBY could see nothing. A cell could hit 10 miles to your north and 10 miles to your south. It happens every year, but at least we can look 3 days down the line for the next interesting set-up. WinterWx is much different in that it no longer comes down to city by city, but more so county by county or sometimes region by region. The whiffs hurt much more. Generally speaking, if you are under a winter storm warning you can feel good about getting snow and not busting, unlike a severe ts watch. A huge winter fail sucks because we track it for 7 days tirelessly. The ROI sucks! I dunno. A big winter storm has so much more umph to it compared to a big severe day IMO. Anyway, I really value your posts during the summer and I have definitely learned a thing or two from you. Looking forward to the summer where we can start tracking CAPE and cold fronts!
  12. Looks like 12z GFS is gonna miss on the Sunday threat. ETA: ninja'd by jakkel
  13. The storm thread LOL. Good bed time reading.
  14. CCB looking nice on the ICON compared to its previous run.
  15. Wow! LE off the finger lakes. Any radar loops showing this? Would love to check it out. Just flurries... or legit snow falling?
  16. Probably just noise, but clicking between the end of the 22z and 21z HRRR's show the low trending further south and weaker. Something to watch going forward maybe?
  17. Back when I lived in Chicago I was obsessed with severe wx. When I was younger I would take my grandma out storm chasing to watch lightning. Now I’m out in DC where the most exciting weather here is snowstorms... and we suck at those. This is a “hobby” of perpetual failure here in DC and for some reason I continue to care even after getting boned time and time again. Like Bob just said, we aren’t sane with this sh*t.
  18. probably just noise, but flipping between 18z and 12z, seems to be a little more neutrally tilted. Not a bad trend for us, that's for sure.
  19. Brady always said his favorite Super Bowl was the next one. For Weenies, the most important Euro is always the next one.
  20. One of the best scenes for his character! That and the scene where he yells at Ryan. Great show
  21. 12z RGEM is a beatdown for the DC-BMore corridor. Wow. 12’’+.
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