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Everything posted by Thanatos_I_Am

  1. The twitter @ is @ MDVaxAlerts. Good luck! You gotta be quick.
  2. Was able to schedule my COVID vaccine at M&T Bank stadium! So happy. Shoutout the bot on Twitter that tweets when new vaccines are available. Trying for my father next.
  3. Had to say @vastateofmind, FiOS is so much better than comcast. Xfinity can eat it. They throttle me here at school and we get 1/10 of the speeds we pay for. I have FiOS back home and have zero complaints. We don't do cable anymore and I think we are getting 500mb speeds for something like 70 a month. Cannot recommend it enough.
  4. Wasn't able to get a pic . But it was amazing! So satisfying to cook my own meal from scratch. So spicy and the sauce was perfect. How was the pork?
  5. Gorgeous day. Winter needs to be over now.
  6. Don't cook much, but I figured today is the day I start. Y'all inspired me! Cooking a spicy chicken pasta dish. Just picked up all the stuff. Excited!
  7. Rockville Town Center. 39.0860° N, -77.1510° W
  8. Really happy for you. What an accomplishment! A marathon distance is unfathomable to me. Hope things are getting better. As @ravensrule said, life can F****** suck sometimes. I have to ask... how were you able to get up to that distance? I can run a few miles but it never feels like I can break out of that distance. Anything you did to get up to that point? Again, that's insanely impressive. Congrats! Hope you can run an official one soon.
  9. Looking forward to severe season this year. I’ve always cleared out of here by March and tracked severe by myself, but this year I’m going to stick around and learn. Hopefully there isn’t as much bickering when we bust a Enhanced risk!
  10. I feel bad for quitting already... but man. This was terrible. Bring on the 75° days . Let’s just torch the rest of this “winter”.
  11. Corona in hand, alarm set. 31/15 in College Park MD.
  12. We doing Obs in the Storm Thread yet?
  13. Lord have mercy. What just happened. And to keep it on topic... uh... 0z GEPS anyone?
  14. If only we really saw hail as much as my co-workers claim we do..
  15. Yep. I'd take 6 inches over 6-8 hours opposed to 10 over 36 hours, lol. About time us DC folk see good rates that actually accumulate.
  16. The onion rings are so good. Burgers are great too. In person is nice because they have a toppings station with Peppers, Jalapenos etc. Not too expensive either.
  17. My favorite burger place right now is The Habit. One in Rockville and one near me right now in College Park.
  18. Five Guys is great but can be SO pricey.
  19. Missed what you said you were working on. What is it?
  20. I was going to ask.. does the QPF scale 1:1? Surely not, correct? For every .2 IN of QPF, it isn't .2" of ice. Thanks
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