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Normandy Ho

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Everything posted by Normandy Ho

  1. Its an interesting question..."Do I want to see people's lives ruined". If you ask me that on its face, then the answer is no. But I do want to see a hurricane hit land so I can see videos like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar8Usv-Kwvs on a fundamental level, that is a video of people's lives getting ruined.....and I enjoy watching it. If you say you don't.....I would say you are being disingenuous. So I posit the question back to you: Do you want to see people's lives ruined?
  2. ^As a non-met, what I have noticed is that the waves that come off are embedded within outrageous westerly flow.....thus they are basically getting sucked backwards by the wave behind them. Would be interested to hear a pro-met chime in on this
  3. I live in Los Angeles lol (praying for remnant low Kay)
  4. GFS at hour 384 is suggestive of an active western basin. I think October is gonna nail us personally....I easily see something getting going down there and getting yanked north.
  5. Great post. I had the same thoughts but could never have spoken them like a pro.
  6. Some kind of re-organization going on with the MLC and LLC.
  7. LOL there is an eye feature on this spinning anti-cyclonically. That is soooooo 2022
  8. Nah that thing is something more than just ITCZ disturbance right now......
  9. The GFS with another spectacular run. Lows flying left and right everywhere in each basin. Straight chaos.
  10. In terms of modern hurricanes, to this day it still is King. No other hurricane has produced wind damage and wind measurements like this hurricane did. Some highlights for me: - 115 MPH sustained / 164 MPH gust measured at NHC (outside of the eyewall, and failure occurring before the worst conditions arrive) - 114 MPH sustained for 30 minutes at Key Largo in the South Eyewall (no failure here, but gives insight into max winds in the N eyewall assuming forward motion (approx 154 mph for 30 minutes give or take) https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/pdf/04landsea.pdf
  11. The GFS basically stalling and retrograding multiple waves in the MDR is bizarre.
  12. You ain't lying this run is strung out like a heroine addict
  13. Yea that might break the the forums if that verified.
  14. Yea whiffed on this one. on to the next!
  15. Best it has ever looked. very strong mid to low level circulation now it would seem.
  16. Indeed most of the vorticity is still above the surface. Recon was flying very low investigating this.
  17. This one is screaming over performer to me. Lets see what recon finds.
  18. Me thinks we get Danielle out of this. its well organized enough right now and has a lot of time over water
  19. The vort max further norther is the one I would watch. Seems to be more dominant
  20. Not all all crazy for watching this homebrew wave. Its further north than modeled and already has great vorticity.
  21. What's the point of looking at models then? Why are we even here?
  22. See you in November iduB! The bell has been rung. GFS nails the Gulf Coast with the seasons first major.
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