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About schinz

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  • Location:
    Westminster, Md

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  1. This is all that would be needed to create one giant flash freeze mess.
  2. Agreed, first it was the GFS was on it's own. Then the high resolutions were thrown out because of range. NOW, the formally warm Euro is fully on board for the Norther tier, as is the Canadian. This could be very bad up here overnight Thursday.
  3. Nam shows significantly colder surface temps than other guidance, including the GFS. e for surface temps at 12 z Thursday significantly colder than the other guidance, including the GFS.
  4. Is there a way to overlay that topography map over a road map to actually see roads and addresses that would correspond to the highest heights?
  5. I am on the SE side of Westminster bear Deer Park and Rt. 32...I am about 850 feet....what is your elevation and can you show some type of a map representation of where that height of the ridge is? Thanks
  6. I think a lot of people would be happy with the CMC....gets the low organizing on the Mid South Carolina Coast at 6 Z Monday
  7. Is there a separate topic for anyone outside of Erie county, or is the event confined to Erie County only?
  8. 824 here on Parr's Ridge in Westminster!!
  9. It appears to me this NAM run would be a pretty warm solution for many of us. Low looks to track North through Eastern Virginia
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