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Everything posted by Hoosier

  1. All I know is that the dad was not vaccinated. I don't know about his wife or if she even got sick.
  2. Here's a covid story. A friend of mine knows a younger couple with a 5 month old. Dad got covid and is in the hospital. The 5 month old also has covid and is in the hospital.
  3. At one point, the UK was averaging about 6 covid deaths per day. They are averaging around 70 now. Even after adjusting for population differences, our low point did not get nearly as low as theirs. The UK is a bit more vaxxed than the US. Tough to say exactly how high deaths will peak at here other than we will undoubtedly fare worse than the UK even after accounting for population differences. US average daily deaths are already near the current UK average when adjusting for population.
  4. Finished -1.0 at ORD. August would have to come in near -3 or colder for met summer to finish below average.
  5. The ol "pathogenic priming"? That is one of the theories floating around among anti-vaxxers, and it's not as stupid as microchips and what not since ADE has actually been observed in prior vaccine(s). No compelling evidence of it with the covid vaccines though.
  6. I remember reading that something like 79% of the fully vaccinated 74% had symptoms. Where I read it, I don't remember lol
  7. Obviously deaths don't follow case trends quite like they used to, but if you look closely, deaths are starting to increase in the US. It is more noticeable when looking at graphs that have the intervals set lower, since the death numbers are *relatively* small now compared to what they have been. The real explosion in cases is a fairly recent thing, really the last 2-3 weeks. There are still a lot of unvaccinated people out there with comorbidities in the younger-middle age groups who the virus is coming for. My guess would be that average deaths per day climb into the high hundreds in a few more weeks, but we'll see. Phin will probably tell me to stop panicking or obsessing lol, but I'm not. Just posting my thoughts.
  8. I did read that the loss of taste/smell seemed to be happening less frequently with delta.
  9. My BMI hovers around 30. I posted a pic of myself in OT and do I look like I'm borderline obese? I don't think so. Anybody with a high BMI number should definitely measure their waist and see how that checks out.
  10. RSV has been going around at unusually high levels for this time of year. There have been stories in the news about it. Who knows what else is circulating. If the viral interference thing happens, then perhaps covid overtakes it, but I don't think it would be accurate to assume that any possible symptom that anybody has right now is covid.
  11. They made a song about that A little bit of Pfizer in my life A little bit of Moderna by my side A little bit of J&J is all I need
  12. It's amazing how fast delta crowded out the other variants. 94%+ of sequenced samples in Indiana during the past month are delta. Wasn't long ago when that number was in the single or lower double digits.
  13. Has anyone seen any data on outdoor transmission of delta? Obviously indoors would present the far higher likelihood, but with a more transmissible variant with higher viral loads, common sense would suggest that perhaps it could spread outside more easily than previous versions of covid? Lollapalooza is going on in Chicago, which always draws big crowds. My understanding is that they are requiring proof of vaccination or a recent negative test.
  14. The former FDA commissioner under Trump suggests we may be having 1 million infections per day. This part may be a relevant thing to point out though: Gottlieb now serves on the board of Covid vaccine maker Pfizer. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/30/dr-scott-gottlieb-estimates-up-to-1-million-americans-infected-with-covid-daily-as-delta-spreads.html
  15. At least this variant took over in the US now and not a year ago or even 6 months ago. That would've been really bad.
  16. Nice cluster of reports in northeast IL. Then it basically hit a wall from a severe perspective.
  17. Not particularly feeling this one for our local area of northwest IN. I don't know. Seems like one of those that maybe ends up managing a warning for 60 mph winds which struggles to verify. What's indisputable though is the atrocious timing for purposes of tracking. Think I will grab a couple hours of sleep and then maybe take a quick look to see how things are going.
  18. I'm not sure if that data is publicly available, especially when trying to make comparisons over time.
  19. Death isn't the end all be all. You can come in sicker but still survive especially when you're relatively young.
  20. It's actual news articles that I have read from places like FL and MO. When it comes down to who I am going to believe, I'd probably lean toward them over you. No offense.
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