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Everything posted by Pascy619

  1. Would have to think records will be shattered if those GFS temps for next week end up verifying.
  2. I'm right on the rain/snow line right now. Hoping it trends north tbh, I can't stand watching a healthy snow pack fade away in December.
  3. That's about what we picked up in Eastern WI this morning. The warm balmy temps are quickly making it a distant memory now.
  4. Middle of the month looking like a full on blow torch. Hopefully something changes.
  5. Agreed....Here we go again. lol Probably will be a crummy Dec and Jan with a decent February before spring shows up. The past few Winters here in WI have been exactly that.
  6. 12Z GFS has a nice shot of cold air coming down in the 10 day range. Not putting too much trust in it though.
  7. Its been years since I've seen a foot of snow out of one storm. Looks too good to be true.
  8. You are right on. There is maybe 10-12" on the WI/UP border right now. Worst snowmobile trails in years right now in Northern WI.
  9. Don't say that. This is the perfect track for me..lol
  10. 972 Low at hour 90 on the 18z. Pretty impressive.
  11. February has been the best month for winter weather the past few years it seems. This one looks to be no different.
  12. FInally a hit for the northwoods. We need it so bad.
  13. Central WI getting the shaft so far this winter.
  14. Not getting excited over anything until we are 24 hours from kickoff. Been let down way too many times this winter thus far.
  15. Hoping for a back loaded winter like two years ago. February was nothing short of epic for us here.
  16. We had over 5 feet of ice on our pond in March during that winter. I will never forget it.
  17. Reminds me alot of the super el nino of 15-16. Late December we had a storm track like that.
  18. Its good to see others do well with snow. We have had maybe 2" of snow all of Dec thus far. Terrible start for us.
  19. Hit 53 here in WI today. Dropping like a rock now.
  20. CMC really sharing the wealth on the 12z with snow. Not holding my breath with this storm though. Pretty pathetic there is next to no snow in any of WI other than way up by Superior.
  21. Out east is setting up for a record year of snow. Two bombs on the 12z gfs.
  22. 12z euro giving me some hope for a white christmas here in WI next week.
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