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Everything posted by WhiteLawns

  1. I didn’t notice any rotation on radar. Just looked like straight line winds. I’m trying to find a longer radar velocity loop to look back. Anyone know of one? RadarScope only gets me so far back.
  2. @weatherwizhttps://www.facebook.com/share/v/rtSuwCueoetp1eY7/?mibextid=NoJtEM
  3. Ended up in back in harwinton. Decent amount of damage in one area. Multiple large trees down
  4. I’m in Bantam right now. Hoping for something good. Should I maybe go further east?
  5. Lol that cell is almost reduced to nothing now. It did look decent for a while.
  6. Severe weather in ct blows… And not in the good way
  7. Regretting my decision. Didn’t even get cool clouds at all.
  8. I just have an itch to scratch. Hoping to get some good pics at least.
  9. You think far western ct is in the mix or should I go further west?
  10. Anyone have thoughts on cloud cover in litchfield ct tonight? I want to go out and take pictures but not sure if the clouds out to the west will dry up. It looks like they are on satellite. Just don’t want to lug all the gear out if it’s not gonna be worth it.
  11. First thunderstorm of the year! Stuck close to the house and woke me up. Dogs didn’t enjoy it as much as I did.
  12. When… will… these… clouds… go… away…….???
  13. Do you know Al p from barkhamsted? Also does skywarn. He’s my boss.
  14. Got a test shot. And I’m all ready!
  15. Can anyone smarter than me give an update on what the clouds may be like?
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