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Everything posted by WhiteLawns

  1. Seems like the severe threat is gone? There’s barely any warnings.
  2. just drove down through Harwinton and Thomaston. The southern end of Harwinton and the northern part of Thomaston have some pretty good damage.
  3. I think I missed it by about 5-7 miles to the south.
  4. Just went over. Nothing... maybe a 30 mph gust
  5. Do you guys think we’re mainly out of luck here in ct? I’m thinking about driving up into southern mass tonight.
  6. The hill that is goshen always kills severe threats around here... so lame. Little hail and wind that’s it.
  7. Tor warning right over top of me. If it stays on its same path it would go right overhead of where in at.
  8. Is there anything that would have caused a lightning strike around 7:30 far to the south of torrington ct? Maybe just a transformer but it was super bright!
  9. LMAO grats to all you guys that got 3-4 inches so far. We have a whopping .25” in NWCT
  10. Are you the guy that did the live stream last night? If you are you are really well spoken. Good job man!
  11. Fellas! It’s been a while. But I chased this storm up through Norfolk ct into new Boston ma. Got a good vid of it too.
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