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Everything posted by McDowell_Weather

  1. I wish that model run was on thursday or Friday its been 93 since our last two footer county wide i guess well see but at least were nw of 85.
  2. The fv3 is a beaut i would love to see upstate sc score for a change.
  3. It has my attention thats for sure!!! Were saturated 4 inches of rain would cause flooding here for us in Mcdowell let alone 10-20!
  4. ROFLMAO. Im sorry i wasent going to say anything but.......really? Michelle.......What about hmmmm let me think.....MACK for instance. (NO OFFENSE MACK) He adds alot of substance to the discussion dosent he? Let me guess he pays his YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION!!!! So therefor gets special treatment along with a few others. OR hes been around for soooo long and has seniority that defys all rules? Witch is it? From one supervisor to another ( Ethan Allen shipping department) I treat everyone the same there are no picks. Things work alot smoother that way. Delete me if you want after five years ive spoke my peace.
  5. Ive seen 4in of snow at the mcdowell/rutherfordton county line at the top of south mountain gap on hwy 226. And literally seen it pour ssnow on one side of the sighn and rain on the other with no snow on the ground within a matter of feet!!!! Craziest thing ive ever seen.
  6. +1 Im waiting till at least Tuesday. But thats just me.
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