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Everything posted by SouthBuffaloSteve

  1. Almost identical setup. Will depends where that “rain train” line sets up around KC.
  2. 1998. It was a Sunday night game… just happened to be week 5 as well…
  3. Pass! Browsing the mesos looks like quick chance of a storm between 8-9 and then hopefully main storm area stays south of KC. OKC looks to get smoked later today. Lots of chatter about this setup. At least can watch some storm chasers to kill some time until the game starts.
  4. You know what the media loves... is catch words like el nino. Yeah I remember the hype. When it was first talked about didn't they try and say it was an effect from global warming? What else have we had... oh the "polar vortex" they beat the heck out of that one 2014-2015.
  5. Yes I like that idea.. it's something "out of the box". Maybe there is construction going on in that area overnight and they have spot lights going or something? This morning was just so weird. Temp shot way up at 4am then hovered 3-4 degrees above control average for about 4 hours. Previous nights in late September saw similar but rather unexplained warm spikes mainly in the overnight and early morning hours dusk to dawn. There were many nights were KBUF was right in line with the control group (within 1 degree of average) for the entire overnight, but still a few anomaly nights in the mix. Day time temps are generally right on average with surrounding stations both warmer and colder. I don't even know what to make of it anymore. Some sort of random overnight temperature contamination around the ASOS site is all I can think of.
  6. It's doing it again... Been spot checking the temps around KBUF in the mornings and haven't seen any anomalies in a couple weeks now, until this morning. Not a huge difference but still, KBUF sensor is running 2.5 - 3.0 degrees above all the other surrounding sites at 6am. Spot checking a few of the hourly's it looks like around 3-4am something happened. KBUF was inline at the 3am update only about 1 degree higher, but then at 4am update KBUF temp jumped 3 degrees while all the surrounding stations only showed a half degree or less increase in temp. Really strange for sure.
  7. I would think that as well. Sure overall we are warming, but we are seeing more extreme weather blips as we climb. Record heat along Pacific coast this summer. The flooding impacts from the two tropical storms in NYC area. Wildfires. Cold outbreak into the South this past winter.
  8. Be neat to see one of these. This was over Southern Ontario this morning. Fair weather cold air funnel hung over the area for almost an hour slowly rotating as it drifted. Wish someone would have time lapsed it.
  9. Same thing happened to me. Wife and daughter both caught it back in December. Daughter was first to show symptoms and fever and came back positive. Wife and myself got tested following day, I was negative she was positive. She showed some mild symptoms 2 days after her positive test that last for maybe 5-6 days. I took 4 more tests over the next 8 days, was negative every time and never felt a single symptom ever come on while I was stuck at home. Took an antibody test maybe like 2-3 weeks later and it showed none detected so somehow I never became infected living in a small house with two covid positive family members. Still slept in the same bed the whole time and just couldn't catch it.
  10. Look at those overnight low temp departures from average compared to the high temps
  11. Not far from there... went to Stonehill Orchard on Shirley Road. Took the back roads through Boston to get back up to the 219... just some incredible land up there. had to go buy a lotto ticket, would be a dream to have a house up on one of those hills with a nice overlooking view.
  12. Awesome weather day today! Maybe a little warm but had a nice time taking the kids apple picking in Collins. Spent the afternoon cutting back the gardens and starting to look at some winter prep. Saw a few colors started to pop up in the hills but overall still pretty green right now. Too bad we couldn’t have a repeat weather day tomorrow for the game…
  13. Hmm so just the airport location goes sizzle sizzle in a Syracuse too… Strange…
  14. Sure looking that way… better bust out the ponchos! At least it’s going to be a seasonally warm rain.
  15. So tonight is interesting... KBUF is warm... but starting to notice a warmer pocket in this circled area on a regular basis. I will usually see 1 station here and there be close to KBUF when it's running warm, but tonight is first time I have seen them all grouped warm together. Numbers past two night have been right in line, no large variances.
  16. This right here made my day... I thought the "milk" thing came from the blizzard of 77... This is from 1930 storm.
  17. Battled back to back sinus infections over the summer. Both times felt like it was a good 3 weeks to get cleared out. Funny how both times in the past 18 months I have been sick was during a "mask free" period. My daughter has been having a rough go since going back to school. Second week of class she caught a mild cold but the school felt her cough was excessive so we had to get her tested and she missed 2 days. She cleared up and was fine last week and then a few days ago she got the cough back with various sinus issues and a fever. 2 more negative COVID tests this week and another 4 missed days, might as well go back to virtual, this is turning into a pain in the... and in between all of that my son had to go get tested as 2 kids in his class tested positive
  18. This was 6pm last night to 8am this morning. KBUF has a huge 5-6 degree departure from maximum for several hours overnight. It does start and end the night somewhat in line with the other stations (within 1.5 degree max variance) but not sure what hangs it up from 9pm - 3am? So far tonight KBUF has been reporting in line with nearby stations. TS see my post above, there is a small pocket of warmer air sitting over Cheektowaga area and airport. Several stations were reporting a bit warmer. Closer to UB area is colder. 11pm readings had a bit more of a variance but still small compared to yesterday. What's different tonight from last night that could have caused this lag???
  19. Virtually no wind last night. Sensor is smack dab in the middle of the airport
  20. Now tonight KBUF seems perfectly in line when I checked on it. There is a small warm pocket to the south west of the airport with a sharp cutoff to cooler temps to the north.
  21. On top of everything else approx. 2,000 medical workers at South Buffalo Mercy have planned to strike starting Friday over stalled contract negotiations. These headlines are just crazy to read. We are in the midst of a pandemic and we are firing doctors and nurses, I just don't get it.
  22. So this is were it gets strange... All the stations hit their minimum temp between 5am and 7am. KBUF actually was somewhat in line with the other stations at that time frame only 1.5-2.0 degrees above the average station temp. The larger variance appears to have been experienced earlier in the overnight as KBUF was running far and away warmer (5-6 degree range) for several hours. This is the same large variance we saw earlier in the night too between 9pm and 11pm. I think this would support more of the UHI theory over a sensor as the trapped heat would slowly lose its grip as the night went along. Interesting note here... KBUF didn't drop below 50 until after 2 am, while all other stations were below 50 by midnight.
  23. It’s like they don’t even want to question it… Here’s another “record” type event involving warm overnight temps…
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