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About LansingWeather

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    Isabela, Puerto Rico

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  1. In my experience, backside snows always underperform. I wish you luck though.
  2. Man, you just can't beat climo. Lansing always seems to get snow-rain for most of the storm then a few hours of crappy snow behind the storm. Most of that gets swallowed up by the standing water.This is why I am happy I moved away, its like the models mentally abused me lmfao. I'm pretty impressed a storm in the low 980s to upper 970s has no cold air to work with, and even the warm sector doesnt seem to be too strong. I would have expected 50s in the warm sector up to Michigan with that track, and teens or low 20s on the backside with a storm like this. 980 is not a common storm here, does anyone know how rare that is for this area? I'd guess 90th percentile. Sad to see it be a general run of the mill. I will still be excited to be in a strong mid latitude storm though, its been a while, for me. Anyway, I am sure the fri-sat storm will be better since I fly out on Thursday.
  3. I dont spend a lot of time on the boards here now that I moved out of region, but why was he a troll? I remember his posts and they seemed to be not wanting snow or cold, just curious as to why that is a problem? Probably a lot I missed, I guess... I can pretty much assure you the 2nd half of January will be ripping for this subform, it always happens right as I leave, I get 2-3 weeks of clouds and mid 30s while I am up for Christmas, then big snows the day I leave, or just after. I leave jan 11, btw, so expect an uptick then
  4. I want to see the 00z GFS from March 4th be correct. I am coming into Michigan to work on my jeep, getting it ready for a moab road trip and upper 20s and snow is going to be super cold for me vs the upper 50s and 60s the GFS was showing....
  5. It is really incredible to watch the precip dry up every frame, very fast. Michigan climo is just hard sometimes. I wish this area had the potential of the NE, but no big moisture source around. Definitely looked like an awesome storm to be in though, nice timing as well. A lot of times the heaviest snow is in the wee hours of the morning and is hard to witness.
  6. Yeah, that looks like a crazy band of snow. Really wish I could see it
  7. Wow, looks really great up there. Congrats! Wish I could teleport up to MI for the storm lol. Band is getting really heavy over lansing.
  8. WSWarning issued for Michigan. Is it just me or has the information derived from the WSWarning's really gone down hill? When I was younger they went through a lot of the expected outcome in detail. This one just says "Snowfall greater than 6 inches possible". And thats basically it.
  9. Yup, glad i'm finally back home. While the big storm failed in Lansing, we did way over achieve on the snow. But as always, it got warm enough to melt it all off within a few days. Gotta live in the upper lake to have decent climo. Lansing's average high in january is 29F, so a +5 departure is 34 which is just as likely as a 24F.
  10. Sounds awesome! Luckily you can keep the food cold outside if it came to that, unlike severe thunderstorms in the summer.
  11. Man, I wish i was able to be in buffalo today. I flew up for the november storm
  12. We have around the same here, maybe a tad less. You can disagree all you want, but the climo here sucks. I dont think getting 50" on average with numerous 1-3; 2-4 inch snows makes up up that, considering it usually all melts within a week. I was not wrong again, it sucked. Went from 7-13 inches, to 6-10 to finish to 2 inches. Maybe 2-4 more with lake effect if we are lucky.
  13. Massive let down so far. I think I have an inch by eyeballing it The flakes were very large dendrites though, which was super nice and Christmas'y
  14. My sentiments exactly. I leave the 30th, and it can't come fast enough. They are expecting like 3-6 here, not a terrible storm, but definitely feels that way after what could have been.
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