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Everything posted by eyewall

  1. You might as well embrace the suck and enjoy the 60's/70"s as we burn away prime climo time.
  2. Remembering the great one: January 25th, 2000 in Southern Pines:
  3. 30's and cold rain is as miserable as it gets. This was a morale crusher in Raleigh.
  4. It is a sunny but crisp day in the screw zone:
  5. Yeah I think outside the mountains this will be a non-event. Just more rain for the most part.
  6. You do realize that in this region getting more than a single event a season is pretty rare right? At least an event that is worthwhile anyway.
  7. Every shift will tweak it a bit. It is wait and see time.
  8. I will generate a second call map today.
  9. The storm has busted so far in the Southern Plains.
  10. RAH is highlighting everything that can go wrong from the warm nose to convective robbing.
  11. Nope, snow only with vis below 1/4 mile for at least 3 hours in frequent wind gusts of 35 mph or higher.
  12. Yeah I would say we very well might and most certainly a sleet fest for a bit. Sleet is around 4:1 ratio for accums.
  13. For triangle folks I am going with a T-1" for Raleigh and 2-5" for Durham.
  14. CAD has a tough time making it into Asheville often.
  15. Here is their expected or most likely map:
  16. That is going to be fun to have to walk down.
  17. It is a lot like an NC election. At first it looks legit and then uh oh!
  18. And here we go. That is not a good look at all.
  19. Where on the GSP site is that coming from?
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