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Everything posted by eyewall

  1. Here is my composite shot from my experience. I used a Seestar S50 to capture these:
  2. Most think it is shadows generated by atmospheric turbulence because the light is much more diffuse at that point.
  3. It sure did! We had perfect viewing conditions!
  4. I was curious if anyone here saw shadow bands just before totality. Some people around us say they did.
  5. Had beautiful conditions in Arkansas!
  6. So amazing! I am so glad you got to experience this! This was my second go at it and yes once is enough to get you hooked! Totality is an entirely different world. My Arkansas plan paid off beautifully! I got this today:
  7. Hahah it should have been but I never thought VT would see clear skies in April. I also wanted to maximize my time in totality. Weather forecasts here have become more optimistic. Any clouds we have may see should be thin cirrus at least.
  8. Enjoy it! If you have never experienced totality before you are in for a real treat! As for the traffic, the nightmare comes as soon as totality ends. That is when everyone hits the road almost at once. I learned that lesson in 2017. This time I kept the room for tomorrow night as well and will roll out Tuesday.
  9. I am in Mountain View, AR for this one. 4 minutes and 14 seconds of totality if our weather holds.
  10. I am committed now to Mountain View Arkansas. Good luck all!
  11. It is completely worth going to see! I did in 2017 to South Carolina! This video also shows why you must try even if there are some clouds in the forecast. They didn't get an optimal view but they got a look at it none the less.
  12. I of course will be on the line in Arkansas. Time to drink a few bottles of Maalox in the meantime.
  13. Looks worse for Texas today. Glad I switched to northern Arkansas for now.
  14. yeah seems to get out a little quicker.
  15. I hope the trends continue towards improvement in northern AR that is for sure.
  16. Looks like getting a backup room in Mountain View, AR may pay off. Even there will be iffy but it is looking better up toward the MO line and towards Poplar Bluff not too far away.
  17. I found a backup room in Mountain View Arkansas at a normal price as a backup to TX so we shall see.
  18. yeah I am supposed to go to Texas for it. I am definitely nervous.
  19. Still not looking great now for much of the path:
  20. This morning as the sun came up in Raleigh. Unfortunately I didn't get lucky enough to catch any of the lightning.
  21. I can tell you the worst traffic will occur right after totality ends. Nobody waits out the partial phases after unless they are a photographer or something like that. That was my experience in 2017. Getting there wasn't as bad.
  22. Beautiful hit up there! Mid March always seemed to deliver! So glad I was up there for this 7 years ago.
  23. Brian McNoldy - Unbelievable: the North Atlantic sea... | Facebook 4.5 Standard Deviations above normal for water temps in the North Atlantic. That is essentially unprecedented and certainly a factor in our SER.
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