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Eskimo Joe

Professional Forecaster
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Everything posted by Eskimo Joe

  1. Heh, that western band is literally hugging I-91 for all it's worth.
  2. Man this is a beautiful event to witness, too bad it's not hitting DC -> BOS. Congrats all.
  3. So question for the group...any ideas why BOX hasn't extended the Blizzard Warning further west into RI? Providence and Newport are certainly meeting the criteria. I know it's for 3 consecutive hours, but conditions appear to be only worsening through midday.
  4. When, if ever, do you think we will have an ice free summer in the arctic?
  5. That was an epic few days with you, me and Anthony looking at the SREFs and ensembles.
  6. This is quite impressive. A cool summer that has owned my garden from start to finish.
  7. I don't know where else to put this:
  8. I was in Lancaster at the time, and just completed my last undergraduate finals. Graduation was the next day, but when I saw the north trend the night before, I packed up early on the 18th and drove back to Philadelphia while the roads were still good. I was quite happy to have gotten out of there and back to Philly because my neighborhood consists of tiny streets that never get plowed in a 6" snowstorm, let alone an 18" event.
  9. You should check out Millersville University's met program too. There are tons of undergraduate research / internship opportunities that MU can assist you with. Link to Earth Sciences dept: http://www.millersville.edu/esci/
  10. That is a very pretty dress you have on in your profile pic.

  11. Nice avatar...do you work with the State OEM? I'm studying that for grad school.

  12. Hey Tony! How is the garden doing?

  13. You have always struck me as one of the more level-headed people on this board. Glad to have some sanity here.

  14. Very happy to hear you are okay. Here is a link that I feel will make everyone appreciate the true impact of the storm. In response to the bold text, that is typical for when the POTUS comes in. The military will practice the flight route. http://ngs.woc.noaa.gov/storms/joplin/
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