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Eskimo Joe

Professional Forecaster
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Everything posted by Eskimo Joe

  1. While the watch is justified, this is just going to be a lucky spot or two that jackpots. It was looking much better for wider rainfall a few days ago. LWX even mentions this in the afternoon discussion about how the system has trended a bit more progressive in the past 24 hours in the guidance.
  2. The flood potential really went in the toilet over the past couple of runs too. Pretty sad overall.
  3. Not really. We're just on the outside looking in...as usual.
  4. Interesting snippet from the afternoon SWODY3: Really hope we can manage some sunshine on Friday because the flood threat is looking more meager than yesterday. To waste 2 good events in under a week would really be a dagger through the heart.
  5. The track of the main low and dynamics would lead to a 'meh' to 'okay' setup. We'd need to see a few hours of at least partly sunny skies to realize the better potential.
  6. Friday screams flooding to me. Could be an interesting day.
  7. Yup...winds picking up here ahead of it in Baltimore. Feels great outside.
  8. Just not enough instability to get the rotations to stick. It's <800j/kg regionwide. Probably the only thing preventing a boom scenario.
  9. Storm along frederick/moco boundary and in Loudoun County trying to go spinny?
  10. Meso for heavy rain potential: https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/metwatch/metwatch_mpd_multi.php?md=126&yr=2019
  11. For the 2nd batch tonight, you need to look towards SW VA or S-Central WV. If that line goes boom and you start seeing a ton of reports coming out of it then we're set for an interesting night.
  12. That's my cell to watch. If there's one that could overperform...it's that or the chesterfield storm.
  13. Everything in this initial batch is game for a spinny. Line to our west looks really linear, more QLCS / straight line wind threat. just stepped outside my house and it's got that nice humid feel.
  14. SVR for Frederick / Carroll MD for possible TOR / wind.
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