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Eskimo Joe

Professional Forecaster
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Everything posted by Eskimo Joe

  1. M0.3" Reisterstown...meh my garden weeps.
  2. That seems a bit of an overreach. On paper the GFS is not a terrible model, but operationally it's not something I rely on.
  3. I'm part of a NOAA/NWS partners committee and it was a point of frequent, spirited discussion but the folks on the NWS side realized this was a priority and it's clear they've been working hard on it. I look forward to seeing it take the Euro out behind the woodshed this winter.
  4. Just got this message at work,
  5. Everything you need to know: https://www.extension.purdue.edu/extmedia/BP/BP-1-W.pdf
  6. I'll be in Maine from the 20th - 27th so you can all guarantee something big happening.
  7. Dr. No get another upgrade, looks like the focus is on the long range, hence the post in here:
  8. WPC had 2 to 4 inches of rain forecast for the area over 5 days and se will be lucky to get to 1.5". Colossal whiff.
  9. Showers becoming a widespread rain...quite the opposite ongoing.
  10. Looking like a major forecast bust inbound.
  11. It's June and it's wet or dry depending on where you live. Post your pics of outdoor success or fail!
  12. I'll post pictures of my setups this week.
  13. Watch...we'll be lucky to get an inch of rain on this side of the Potomac from this "event".
  14. Okay it can start raining now...everything is crispy.
  15. I'm old enough to remember when 1" - 2" of rain wasn't considered a big deal. Really looking less impressive with each day .....
  16. Don't worry, we'll have a raging +NAO just in time for winter.
  17. It's going to be interesting to see if we ever verify a "hot" summer. The Deep South and Lower Plains have experienced an anomalously wet spring which may mean they don't bake and can't advect warmer air or EMLs east into us.
  18. This has been a good spring for our lawn. We had a huge infestation of flying ants that wrecked our lawn and the reseeding was intense this year but the cool spring helped most of the grass take.
  19. Unless something changes we're going to be on the outside looking in on a good flood setup. Hope I'm wrong and we get slammed. Really miss the big floods of the early 2000s.
  20. Next week could be one of those setups where north of I-66 floods and south of there gets into sunshine and severe.
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