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Eskimo Joe

Professional Forecaster
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Everything posted by Eskimo Joe

  1. At least all 3 terminal hit 90° today so JB looks like an idiot again. lol
  2. It's 2PM and we haven't even had a pity meso. Looks like a clean whiff today. EDIT: there's the pity meso https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/md/2019/md1103.html
  3. We're quietly slipping into a very dry pattern since Memorial Day. Several 'big' events beyond D3 have gone poof within 24 hrs.
  4. The meso guidance this AM has been hinting at one or two beefy cells south of the Potomac with the typical popcorn around them. We're in Maine for a wedding starting Thursday through the 27th so you can bank on something happening while I'm away.
  5. Hunt Valley fields? Always wanted to get back into softball.
  6. It absolutely can, but as you and @high risk have documented here, you need a good pulse of energy to kick things off otherwise it's usually confined to the ridge tops.
  7. We're getting into low shear pulse season...was hoping we'd have a nice regionwide event by now. Maybe we can get some home brew tropical this year.
  8. Yup, another bust. Was hoping this season would be good but we've struck out again.
  9. Lost our two watermelons plants this week due to cold, wet ground. Somehow our tomatoes, beets and pumpkins and squash are doing very well.
  10. Pity meso https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/md/2019/md1092.html
  11. Could be an ENH kind of day tomorrow if we arent socked in with debris clouds.
  12. For the record, I prefer tomorrow for more widespread flooding and severe activity.
  13. Ask me each day, it's highly conditional on debris clouds.
  14. lol...we'll probably have a +5 STDEV NAO all winter and a nice SE Riedge to boot. Mid 60s on Xmas day again
  15. This weather sucks. We need 95/73
  16. Appears as though the winds have backed to the south ahead of the afternoon's convection popping to our west. Certainly feels humid out!
  17. Sun poking out in McClean and on the Beltway over the Potomac.
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