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Eskimo Joe

Professional Forecaster
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Everything posted by Eskimo Joe

  1. Wilmington fire had to call a GoTeam in on the collapse assignment which is never good. A GoTeam is a field trauma unit that can do critical medical care practices like amputation.
  2. The airport just gusted to 61 mph...lol. I'd say you got yourself an AWOS grade anemometer there son.
  3. Wilmington, NC (ILM) has now recorded wind gusts of at least 50 MPH for 14.5 hours.
  4. Lot more damage reports coming into ILM now. @iembot_ilm is a great twitter account to follow.
  5. For when folks tell you we don't need as many meteorologists:
  6. Only 3 of those reports are outside the 100 year floodplain so far.
  7. Rain gauge at NC State Horticultural Crops Research station Castle Hayne is blown away.
  8. Use caution with the USGS rapid deployment gauges that are listed. They use tipping buckets and are likely being affects by the wind, therein produce artificially higher rainfall amounts.
  9. Florence might wobble right over the Wilmington, NC radar site.
  10. Looks like a flareup of convection around the southern and eastern eyewall on the last half hour of visible satellite.
  11. ILM has produced a mesonet for non-traditional sites. As power fails, the sites will stop reporting: https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=NWS&issuedby=ILM&product=OSO&format=TXT&version=1&glossary=0
  12. Are you referring to the buoy? This is the only ob site I could find: https://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/station_page.php?station=41013
  13. Thanks. Those amounts are pretty tame compared to a few days ago.
  14. There really isn't any big punch of dry air nearby. https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/sat/satlooper.php?region=06L&product=wv-mid
  15. Agreed. I started in meteorology but transferred to Geography and then went through the MS, Emergency Management program at Millersville. It's lead to a decent career. Big message is that you have to be comfortable with moving a fair distance for your first job. You might have to move cross country for a 'meh' position to put your time in. If you're going to stick with meteorology that's great...seriously the field isn't all doom and gloom like some make it out to be. You just have to find what keeps your interest going and push through hard. Take internships, do research and don't forget about working started help desk positions for things like Raytheon (they make AWIPS) or Michael Baker. My RA in college started in the private sector and it boosted his career quickly once he got into NWS.
  16. How do you place the soap? In a pantry hose or something?
  17. Heh, that western band is literally hugging I-91 for all it's worth.
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