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Eskimo Joe

Professional Forecaster
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Everything posted by Eskimo Joe

  1. Yea. All of a sudden the CU field went poof at work too. Wonder if there's some subsidence or something.
  2. Yea, it probably won't be available until 2:30 at the earliest.
  3. Wonder if they're waiting on the 18z RAOB before making a call on a watch?
  4. I know that, I was referring to the convective outlook placement prior to the event.
  5. We always win when LWX / SPC are playing catch up, whether it's winter or summer.
  6. Correct. Source: https://www.facebook.com/SHARPpy.wx/posts/tutorial-how-to-tell-if-your-sounding-is-convectively-contaminatedwith-spring-co/1592950307629254/
  7. Yoda, take solace in knowing that we fail 9.99/10 times and on our biggest day, Derecho 2012, SPC didn't even have us in a SLGT until a few hours before the event.
  8. RIP, IAD to Mappy tomorrow on the 12z NAMNEST at HR 34 -> 36
  9. It would be peak DC to be in an ENH and miss everything.
  10. Would tend to agree with you. The SFC - 3km heliticty values are far more impressive north of Mason-Dixon down into the upper Delaware Bay region.
  11. Correct on all accounts. The 00z IAD sounding prior to the 2012 derecho had an 850 temp of +24. the science officer at LWX did a quick analysis and found that 850 temps only occurred 6 times beforehand.
  12. DCA and BWI...just need IAD for the trifecta. Looks like some CU popping so the cap must be breaking. Hope it holds until the storm get closer from the west.
  13. Blue box for West Virginia until 7:00 pm. I'd imagine we can't be far behind.
  14. We really are looking pretty good down to I-66(ish). Good sunshine, decent dews, decent shear, good mid and low level lapse rates.
  15. Just to our north and within the hour: https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/md/2019/md0881.html
  16. The 12z RAOB from IAD indicated a convective temp of 89°, which most areas are nearing. The 18z special RAOB should be publicly available around 2:30 pm...going to be interesting to see what it tells.
  17. Nothing will beat the tornadoes from Ivan. That's the benchmark for tornadoes in these parts.
  18. I don't think today is a tornado day. It's a wind/hail day.
  19. We have some decent mid level lapse rates to our west. That's good to see. More sustained updrafts and DCAPE is pushing up as well. I'm still in for today, but I know the best action is probably more Baltimore than DC.
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