Some purists say a 3:1 during the start and end of the season for the higher sugar content, then taper to a 4:1 during the "normal" summer. I have kept a little harem of birds around for 2 years with my 3:1 ratio.
Ditto on the Lantana and Milkweed recommendation. Also, put a hummingbird feeder on a pole there with a 3:1 (water:sugar) ratio and you'll have some great bird action all summer and into mid autumn.
Pulled 13 bags of hedges and old bushes off the lawn this weekend. I just dont have the time this year for lawn maintenance so I opted for TruGreens reseeding, aeration and feeding program this year. I hope it bolsters the lawn.
River levels are low which can be good for fishing as it holes the fish up. Hoping to hit up the Monocacy this weekend.
Also...DCA and BWI notch another 90°.