I remember Tom Lamiaine on CBS 3 just botching the forecast horrifically. He kept saying the NW suburbs would be off the hook with only a few inches even as NBC 10, FOX 29 and ABC 6 were going all in.
Cross polar flow this early in the year is always nice to see. I just hope we don't empty the clip and somehow reset to a blistering SE ridge for the meat of winter. At the very least this should kick up a good amount of lake effect and start freezing up Canada.
I was born in Philly during the Veterans Day event in '87. My dad said it was not forecast well even in Philly, but the rest of the winter was pretty bland. Would be funny to get that Monday event almost 30 years to the day of the anniversary.
If I ever get even slightly excited for an upcoming weather event, please troll the crapola out of me and laugh me out of the thread. What a bust of an event this was, especially for a 10% TOR and 45% WND.
several wires/tree calls in Westminster and New Windsor. Biggest winds seem to be ahead and just behind the precip. The winds slack off significantly once the rains start then about 10 min later it comes back in. There was a weak capping inversion noted on the 19z special RAOB out of IAD around 800mb. It's possible that the evaporational cooling from the precip kills the cap and then allows the rain to transport the winds to the surface.