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Eskimo Joe

Professional Forecaster
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Everything posted by Eskimo Joe

  1. No Red Flag Warning was issued.
  2. We're the Mid Atlantic, that's what went wrong.
  3. Sun peeking out in Gaithersburg...hope se get a nice line or something this evening.
  4. Given the dense cloud cover, safe to say today will be a classic Mid Atlantic Nothingburger™ unless things clear out fast.
  5. Correct, it was between 8am - 10am. That event is a great reminder that if you get the dyanmics/instability right, the time of day doesn't matter.
  6. We had a 5% pity meso last time, but the low was about 7mb stronger and we were in Larko's Triangle.
  7. $20 says we see a quick temp spike pre-front as the low level inversion mixes out and we get a few SVRs / damaging wind reports tonight.
  8. I wonder if they are a bit gun shy after missing one of the largest winter tornado events in the Mid Atlantic the other week.
  9. Yea, it's always a battle of the wedge. I've noticed that when you get a maturing/mature storm with decent low level jet moving into us it's easier to clear out the low levels. When you have to wait on the jet to strengthen over us then it's sketchy. I would imagine it might not be as hard to scour out the low level cold air this time because we have no snow cover and the ground isn't frozen up.
  10. Classic early season "high shear low CAPE environment"
  11. We're long overdue for a big, multi-modal spring/summer severe season.
  12. Ready for full spring. Can we just flip to the 80s already?
  13. This year is especially favorable for a March maximum. Even a generic 3" - 5" event would top the winter for just about all the climo spots in the LWX CWA.
  14. Daffodils almost blooming and my roses are starting to leaf out
  15. Posting this here because some of the maps apply to this subforum
  16. There was a secret meeting in the bunker under the Jefferson Memorial last week between NWS and FEMA where it was decided to make the change. They would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for the meddlin' weather weenies. /s
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