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Eskimo Joe

Professional Forecaster
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Everything posted by Eskimo Joe

  1. Deep, rolling thunder at work in Gaithersburg. Sky is pitch black to my west.
  2. Up to 75° in Gaithersburg and TCU in the western sky.
  3. Decent amount of thunder at work. Line looks like it's beefing up.
  4. Yea, trying to find a sky cam or traffic cam, but it looks good and I can hear thunder from work.
  5. Watch tail end charlies on the line...got a hail marker on it and the lightning is going pretty good with it.
  6. Lightning picking up on the southern edge of the line. It's just now starting to enter the better environment so the next 40 to 45 min will be key to see if it has any staying power.
  7. New mesoscale disco: https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/md/2020/md0382.html
  8. Let's not sleep on the southern end of that line in WV. Per SPC mesoanalysis, there is a tongue of ~2,000 SBCAPE and a little boundary near Leesburg. That could beef the line up pretty quickly.
  9. The cell in PG really has some staying power with it. Solid straight line wind signature and now a decent spike in VIL. Impressive.
  10. Gotta watch that little kink near Bolivar/Harpers Ferry.
  11. Decent straight line signature near Alexandria and Forest Heights.
  12. Nearly full sun in Gaithersburg...temp shot up to 73 degrees.
  13. Hmm,,FFX cell trying to do the Potomac River shuffle it seems. Bit of a broad circulation.
  14. I think the TOR tag on that one is really precautionary. Looks nothing like it did before.
  15. Temp up to 70° at Gaithersburg. Big clearing to my west.
  16. Another couple trying to form SW of Hedgeville, WV.
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