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Eskimo Joe

Professional Forecaster
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Everything posted by Eskimo Joe

  1. Looks like there maybe a subtle northwest moving boundary on LWX radar. Check out the 0.5° base velocity. If that can juice up those cells coming off WV then we might see some decent hailers coming into the NW suburbs.
  2. Watch coming coming out. Looks like from I-70 south?
  3. The terrain out west and the front in Pennsylvania are probably providing enough lift to get storms started. But it's clear they can't sustain themselves closer into the metro.
  4. As we move into a more favorable time for severe weather, I'd like to pass along some personal and professional resources for severe weather that I have found useful over the years. First, the professional resources: The Storm Prediction Center's (SPC) Rich Thompson gave a nine part series on tornado forecasting some years ago at the University of Oklahoma. It was recorded and uploaded on YouTube and has significantly expanded my knowledge of tornado forecasting and severe weather in general. Each video is about one hour long. Link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxeAIQgAiFqvsaAx79xN3gBjc8baIiWMn&si=O2fmocu33d95yGPd You will hear a lot about Elevated Mixing Layer (EML) over the coming months. There is a great research paper regarding the role of EMLs and northeast severe weather. While we are technically in the Mid Atlantic, the underlying fundamentals discussed in the paper are great for improving your knowledge. Link: https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/wefo/25/4/2010waf2222363_1.xml Each year, there are questions about the SPC probabilistic outlooks. This link does a great job cross explaining the outlook and cross walking the percentages and the corresponding categories. Link: https://www.spc.noaa.gov/misc/SPC_probotlk_info.html Here is a great research paper focused on the SPCs probabilistic verification of their outlooks: https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/wefo/33/1/waf-d-17-0104_1.xml Some helpful links for real time observations: Delaware mesonet: https://www.deos.udel.edu/ Maryland mesonet: https://mesonet.umd.edu/ Keystone (Pennsylvania) mesonet: https://keystone-mesonet.org/ Second, some personal observations: There are numerous mesoscale boundaries across the area. They play a unique role in forming and disrupting convection and wreck havoc on forecasting. The wedge always wins, until it doesn't. If we have a steady south-southwest wind, that seems to be better are eroding the wedge quicker. Getting a Day 2 Moderate Risk is a jinx. Events seem to set up further south at the last minute. See June 13, 2013. Day 1 Moderate Risk for DC that ended up in North Carolina. I have found that it is better to be level headed and expect a bust. There are so many small scale features that aren't resolved until 4 to 8 hours prior to the event. Downsloping kills events, but if you have either really cold temps aloft or better yet, a stout EML, then we can all win. Learn to look for these features. During large outbreaks, look to western North Carolina for what's coming our way. That's usually 4 to 6 hours from DC metro. I hope this helps and good luck to everyone this year.
  5. RE: Western PA flooding yesterday
  6. I'm surprised there isn't more aggressive downsloping given the straight west component.
  7. Tornado Warning for Norfolk. Their ASOS just gusted to 50 mph.
  8. Same. CIMMS I'm over in the obs thread for this event.
  9. Tornado Watch for CHO metro until 1:00 am 4/13: https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/watch/ww0107.html
  10. M70 non thunderstorm gust at Wintergreen, VA.
  11. Meso to our SW: https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/md/md0426.html
  12. My rule for that is Mt. Airy North Carolina to DC metro in 4-5 hours.
  13. Don't look no, but everyone west of I-81 was just put in a 5% tornado risk overnight.
  14. If we had yesterday's clearing with today's setup I'd be happy.
  15. It's pathetic...we're wasting a really, really good setup here because of bad timing.
  16. Latest HRRR is pretty ho hum. Maybe some gusty showers overnight.
  17. 90/100 severe events underperform here. This looks like one of the 90.
  18. Yup. This change happened a lot faster than I thought. We get like a week of "winter" anymore.
  19. Next weeks looks amazing. Unless a backdoor cold front ruins it.
  20. Oh yea. The lawn beckons.
  21. Looks like everyone south of Mason-Dixon and east of the Blue Ridge gets sun today.
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