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Eskimo Joe

Professional Forecaster
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Everything posted by Eskimo Joe

  1. I have the 00z HRRR out to HR37 on COD and it looks pretty good from EZF north.
  2. There's been a last minute trend for drier and deamplification within HR36 this winter. I'm hoping the 18z Euro isn't sniffing out a trend.
  3. I think that map's a bit pessimistic. Aloft looks a bit colder and there's going to be sleet on top of that.
  4. Is it drier areawide, and if so, by about how much?
  5. Yup. Nothing worse than praying the night before the event that we get the cold air in at 3am when the precip starts at 5 and then waking up to 34/33 and white rain.
  6. Winds ripping pretty good in Westminster. Temp down to 37.
  7. If you're in the mid 20s with moderate precip, it's going to accumulate.
  8. GFS give Short Pump the ole' middle finger.
  9. Hush. Never doubt the ability of something to pull the football away last minute.
  10. GFS is noice for BWI, DCA, and IAD. Even down to EZF does better.
  11. You've been bearish all year, so this is exciting to see. What are your thoughts on the NAM being quicker than everything else?
  12. EPS is really nice, colder across the board and a couple of double digit hits even in to the beltway and I-95. FWIW, since we're at about HR48 to 55 prior to start, this is probably the last useful run of the ensembles because they tend to cluster inside HR 48.
  13. 12z suite was solid overall from I-66 north. Two days ago we were staring at a warm rain. Would like to see the NAM twins start going colder/wetter.
  14. Yup. This time last year we were chasing D15 phantom patter changes.
  15. WBAL's favorite model, the RPM, has EZF and even St. Mary's City starting as snow for a couple of hours. Definitely a colder tick across the board.
  16. @Bob Chill you're all snow on the 2nd wave. Warning level event for you.
  17. Will be interested to see what the EPS has. This is the last suites where I'd look at the ensembles.
  18. I don't think the 850s get above -2 north of I-70, unless I'm seeing something incorrectly.
  19. All of the globals now picking up on a flip back to snow on the backside. Really nice to see.
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