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Eskimo Joe

Professional Forecaster
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Everything posted by Eskimo Joe

  1. DOT cams show even I-270 in Germantown is starting to cave.
  2. Now at 32° on the nose. Everything becoming snow covered.
  3. Cul de sac and sidewalk caving. Temp now at 32­°. 12z RAOB from IAD never posted on SPC
  4. I live by the PBS station in Reisterstown. All frozen. It's coming.
  5. Flipped to all sleet/snow. Temp down to 35 degrees. What a transition!
  6. Mixing with sleet in Reisterstown. Temp down 10 degrees in an hour to 36°.
  7. @psuhoffman speaking about this now in the zoom call. ICON (SUCKS) but better along I-95 and west.
  8. The last time the Blue Ridge (and DC/Baltimore for that matter) was under a Blizzard Warning was 6 years ago.
  9. SPC meso analysis starting to pick up on the good frontogenetic forcing developing over the TN River Valley. There are reports from some mets on Twitter that rates are upwards of 1" - 1.5" under the band in SW TN. A good sign.
  10. I don't blame LWX at all for holding with advisories. Too many last minute things can go wrong...always easier to up the ante. 12z RAOB from IAD, RNK, and PBZ will be telling tomorrow am.
  11. 00z NAM appears to remove and potential warm layer at 800mb. Would promote a "clean" transition from rain to snow.
  12. Temp drop tonight will be critical, but I'm becoming more cautiously optimistic at least I-95 and west booms based off the dearth of reliable Twitter posts to our south about the amount of thundersnow and "clean" changeover from rain to snow. Almost no mixing.
  13. Thundersnow being reported in Memphis, TN and a flush transition from rain to snow in Kentucky. Good to see the forecast panning out to our south. This storm is juiced.
  14. We have one thing going in our favor with this event in that we're seeing fresh artic air being injected into this event and it's not just evaporational cooling trying to overcome a cruddy airmass.
  15. 18z euro implies a low end warning event NW of the cities and the power grid would start to take a beating. Any more snow would be a major impact event.
  16. We still have 12 hours for something to happen. Maybe the moon angle isn't being modeled right or something.
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