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About Jentz85

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Central Indiana

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  1. Had it reached 760, is that just an uncontrolled release over the top of the gates? .
  2. https://www.facebook.com/groups/LakeCumberlandBoaterscom/permalink/10156820548900801?sfns=mo .
  3. https://www.facebook.com/groups/LakeCumberlandBoaterscom/permalink/10156820548900801?sfns=mo .
  4. Makes sense now why people were saying on Facebook they have closed off all the area below the dam near the power plant. .
  5. 756.07 this morning. The graph is making a gradual turn to the right. Outflow is back up to 58k but inflow is still double that. .
  6. 575.15 at 2000z 54710cfs out 144084cfs in They've brought the outflow down some as well. Might just be trying to stabilize it.
  7. How did the fire areas hold up? Any big mudslides or has it regrown enough in the last year? .
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